The magic in the room is about the process and the people engaged in the process. The Executive End Zone is designed to press members, beyond your story, beliefs and assumptions. Is your sky pink, your world flat? Your employees won’t tell you. Your friends don’t know. The group will affirm the sky is blue and the world is round. At some point every Executive realizes that what brought them success at their current level may not be enough to go higher. There are basically two requirements of Members.
- To take value from each meeting and each one-on-one session
- To add value to their fellow members.
Are you ready to learn? To Grow? Will you listen and gain clarity from the ideas presented by peers? Can you accept their challenge? Will you unpack the business baggage that has accumulated around that big challenge? Will you listen when other leaders press those areas your employees and partners can’t? What might you gain from the insights of your peers?
What might you learn from a peer that isn’t in your industry, your community, isn’t like you? How will you accept the tension of diversity? The Harvard business school intentionally develops each class with diversity as one of the main ingredients in their Case Study recipe. This from the Harvard business review… “In the midst of individual contributors with such diverse backgrounds, success calls for leaders who are comfortable with diversity tension…….. Leaders who prepare and empower their employees to understand others without judging, to be requirement-driven, and to be comfortable with diversity tension are more productive and successful. It just isn’t enough for leaders to possess these capabilities themselves; they must also develop them throughout the organization.” The Executive End Zone will also have a diverse room of peers.
What are you involved in that is greater than you? How is business conducted in your world? How do words and actions each day – in the office and at home – define you and the company? Are you contributing a positive attitude?
How are you contributing to the greater social good? What is that for you? Church? Charity? Neighborhood? Employees? How business is conducted through words and actions each day – in the office and at home – defines you and the company.
Are you ready? The End Zone will press you to be truthful, to look in that magic mirror to see the real you today, and the you that will be. You can choose to improve you. Be authentic with yourself and others. Ultimately, it is all about you..
When was your last big mistake? How much did it cost? What opportunities were missed? The School of hard knocks can be a costly place to learn. The End Zone is designed to provide clarity and insight on the big challenges, the issues you face. It is a place to think through strategic decisions. Gain the insight from a room with over 300 years of experience.