Boerne, Texas USA


10:00AM – Sales Forum Build sales strategy for Members deal opportunties

Members are invited to have their sales team attend as appropriate

12:00 PM – Lunch Check-in Each member will log their current life position

12:30 PM – Positive Energy Each month we will have a workshop on increasing positive energy

1:30PM – Case Studies Each member bring their challenges, the most pressing issue of the time.
Strategic The group will select the most strategic to work as the priority
The group will work 4 to 6 down to an action plan

4:00 PM – Case Studies Break into sub-groups to work most pressing issues
Pressing Issues The group will select the issues to work
The group will select teams to help members with issues
The teams will work issues to an action plan and report back to group

5:00PM – Sharpen Discussion Topic on relevant business issue of the day
Beer and Wine Many topics will be selected from Pitfalls of Fortune 500
Some will be current news or book that is meaningful to the group

6:00 PM Social time